2017. január 1., vasárnap

Epic Pókember

#001-017 - Vol. 01: Great Power
#018-038 - Vol. 02: Great Responsibility

Lee-Romita Pókember: 39-54, füzetenként 5 szám, 47.szám az Új Marvel Extrában jelent meg.

#039-104 - Vol. 03-06: Not yet announced
#105-123 - Vol. 07: The Goblin’s Last Stand
#124-258 - Vol. 08-14: Not yet announced
#259-272 - Vol. 15: Ghosts of the Past
#273-288 - Vol. 16: Not yet announced
#289-294 - Vol. 17: Kraven’s Last Hunt
#295-325 - Vol. 18-19: Not yet announced
#326-333 - Vol. 20: Cosmic Adventures
#334-350 - Vol. 21: The Return of the Sinister Six
#351-360 - Vol. 22: Robin Bound
#361-441 - Vol. 23-??: Not yet announced